Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday. Now that's just overt racism!

Block long line ups. Grannies elbowing kids in the face to get to the case lot of Mylanta. Bleeding children leap frogging one another to get to the new Xboxes.What I am doing? Not shopping! I'm trying to set up appointments to view apartments today.

Hopefully I'll reign one in by the end of the day or by tomorrow and I can move in immediately and stop staying in the shit box hotel I'm in. Not that The Econolodge doesn't off all the comforts of a third world country. I think the worst thing is the lack of a fridge. I brought a coffee machine with me but have no place for milk so I have to go to coffee shops in the morning. This might seem like a hassle but considering their WiFi connection is totally shitty at best it affords me the opportunity to actually get stuff done online.

I viewed a place yesterday and it was really nice. Americans you make everything huge including 2 bedroom duplexes. The neighborhood just wasn't suitable for my girls though. I think they can wait a few years before they roll with the Vatos in CXC13 (Culver City Boys). I even haggled with the lady on the lease terms. There's deals to be had in this crappy economy.

1 comment:

  1. Go Wagner Go!!!!! GO Wagner Go!! I will see you on Monday Morning Bromancer. I hope you get a place today. sending good thoughts!
